I am delighted to know that the Annual Meetings of Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India are being held on 9th and 10th February 2019 at Mangalore, a city which gets its name from the presiding deity of the town Mangladevi, the Goddess of fortune.Mangalore is an important port situated close to the backwaters of rivers Netravati and Gurpur and often described as the Gateway to Karnataka.

As much as I wanted to be there with you all at these Annual Meetings/Convocation — the first ones to be held in a Region after I took over as the Grand Master on 24th November 2018 — I regret I will not be able to attend due to unavoidable personal commitment overseas.

Brethren, as outlined in my Speech in Nagpur, our collective aimwill be simple and that is “Where there is a need, there is a Mason”. This is our slogan for the next three years. Masons will endeavour to provide the healing balm of consolation in the bosom of the afflicted and the world will know they are the one to whom the burdened hearts may pour forth their sorrow, the distressed may prefer their suit, whose hand is guided by justice and whose heart is expanded by benevolence.

I exhort you all to be a part of this Mission of Grand Lodge of India. The Southern Region is not only the largest region in terms of number of Masons but is also home to Masonic luminaries and stalwarts who have made us all proud with their dedication and zeal for Freemasonry.

You region has exhibited an appreciable growth in Freemasonry not only in terms of membership but also by opening new Craft, Mark, RAM Lodges and Chapters all over the Region.

I have no doubt that your Regional Grand Master, RW Bro. Abraham Markos will take forward the tremendous work done by his predecessors and your Region will attain greater heights in all aspects of Freemasonry. I wish him and all officers, including the incoming team, of Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India every success in their endeavours. I also take this opportunity to convey my greetings and best wishes to all the Brethren of the Southern Region and their families.

With warm and fraternal regards,
M.W. Bro. Rajeev Ramakrishna Khandelwal, OSM
Most Worshipful The Grand Master

It seems like yesterday that we met in Bangalore for our HYM 2018 and the day before that we assembled in Chennai for AIM 2018. How time flies! We are now on the threshold of our Annual Investiture Meet 2019. While I do admit that the announcement of the dates and venue came a bit late, I am extremely grateful to the Brethren of Mangalore for readily coming forward, in spite of the short notice, to host AIM 2019, which will be held on 9 th and 10 th February 2019 at the famous Dr T M A Pai Convention Centre in Mangalore where we gathered nearly twelve years ago for AIM 2007.

As you all know, our annual meets provide an opportunity for introspection as well as taking stock of our performances and planning for the future. Not to mention the yearly change of guard. I thank our Deputy and all our ARGMs for the excellent work that they are doing in their respective spheres, and I am sure that they will continue the good work with the same verve and commitment for the remainder of their term as well.

The Brethren of Mangalore are eagerly looking forward to receive and welcome each and every Brother of the Southern Region as well as the other Regions to the Annual Meet, and I am sure that you will all support and encourage them by registering well in advance and attending in large numbers. Chalo Mangalore! Looking forward to meeting you all soon.

With warm and fraternal regards,
R.W.Bro. Abraham Markos
Right Worshipful The Regional Grand Master

Dear Brethren,
It is truly a pleasure to invite you and your family to the amazing coastal city of Mangalore. The vivid culture, the warm and loving people and mouthwatering cuisine are awaiting your arrival.

We are hosting this Annual Investiture meet at ‘T.M.A Pai International Convention Center’ which is located in the heart of the city and has been carefully chosen by the organizing committee to make your Masonic experience a pleasurable one. The Brethren of Lodges Mangalore, Prerana, Gopalakrishna and Kasaragod have made special arrangements which are listed in the brochure, so that your visit will truly be a memorable one.

We thank the Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India for giving us this opportunity to host this Convention. So, open your hearts and minds and join us on the 9th and 10th of February 2019 for the AIM.

With Fraternal Greetings,
W.Bro M.C Kariappa
Assistant Regional Grand Master








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Online registrations will close by Saturday 2nd February 2019.